The Facts About Diaper Need

What is Diaper Need?

Diaper need is the lack of a sufficient supply of diapers to keep a baby clean, dry and healthy.

(images from National Diaper Bank Network)

Fast Facts:

• 1 in 3 families struggle with diaper need.

5.3 million children under the age of 3 live in poor and low-income families.

• Diapers cannot be obtained with food stamps

No Government safety-net programs allocate funds for diaper as a basic need.

Medicad covers over 1/3 of all births in the U.S. each year, though there is no govenment program to cover diaper need

• Diaper need impacts the physical, mental and economic well-being of children and parents.

• Disposable diapers cost $80- $100 per month per baby.

• The poorest 20% of Americans who buy diapers spend nearly 14% of their post tax income on diapers. (Center for Economic and Policy Research, Nov 23, 2015)

(images from National Diaper Bank Network)

Negative Consequences:

Exposure to health risks if babies remain too long in a soiled diaper

Most Childcare centers require parents to provide supply of disposable diapers

Cloth diapers are not accepted at the vast majority of child care centers

Without childcare parents are unable to work or attend school outside of the home

(images from National Diaper Bank Network)
